Mar 7, 2009

Bold Theme: Today Three

I have noticed a bunch of people looking for today themes for the Bold that have three items (Calendar, Email and SMS) instead of just the usual 2 (Calendar & Messages), so I decided to make one.

It is nothing too fancy, just something I threw together, but here you go: Note: for this theme to display properly you will need to have your Bold set to have Email and SMS in seperate folders. To do that select: Messages>Menu>Options>General Options>SMS and Email Inboxes: Seperate.

*Click on the pics below to get a full size preview

Download Theme file below. Unzip it and then use Blackberry Desktop Manager to install it.

Today Three


meers said...

Would this work for Blackberry 8830? Thanks

Anonymous said...

Font too small

Anonymous said...

Would it be nice to showup who is phone services provider. living at HK is easy to get into roaming when we goto countryside.

Rienzie said...

im on my phone wanting to download this theme, its not working properly, please help. so i click on the link "Today Three" it then goes to a screen that say "file download" i then click on the icon that says "free user" and then the next screen i click on a button that says DOWNLOAD but it continues to say ERROR and that my seccion has expired. Please advise?

Free BBT said...


PIN me your Email address and I'll Email it to you.

Joseph said...

This is exactly what I was looking for unfortunately most themes that are made don't have the divided 3 like this one does. But the only problem is I don't think this is for a pearl and that's what I'm looking for.

John said...

nice theme, but print is too small for home screen. Can you make a patch to make it larger. Thank you for your contributions!

Anonymous said...

Is it for 8320 curve? Also will it display the telco now?

Peter said...

Thank you for solving this problem. One small bug (but it may be me) is that the number on screen for unread messages is repeated for unread sms/mms, even if none are unread even after I selected 'Separate' in options. Any help would be welcome. Thanks again

Anonymous said...

I also see the issue with the unread messages. It seems the unread emails is showing up as unread SMS/MMS. Font is also small but it is free. Any way to fix the unread messages? Is there a way to change the wallpaper or is it stuck with the theme?

Anonymous said...

the 3 items are very usefull for persons with a lot of communicationstaff the whole day. why do you give away the expensive space for messages and calender entries with the bold written MESSAGES? There is the Icon and the user how knows that there will be the messages. Please use the room for bigger font of entries.

Chillin said...

@ Anonymous,

The space is taken up by the Icon. Reducing or Removing the font size will not give any more space at all.

IrishDeafies said...


Like this theme - but cannot download it - do you have an OTA link - as from my Desktop Manager it cannot find the link....
Do you also have this for the 8900.

Chillin said...


I'm not sure what you mean by "it cannot find the link". Did you follow the installation instructions at the very top of this page?

IrishDeafies said...


Thanks for this AAA+++++ - have installed it on my BB Bold - its great - do you have this for the 8900 ? - also is there any way of making the font bigger ?

skrib said...

awesome them thx, only gripe is that when the phone goes into screen saver mode (black screen) when i wake it up by hitting any button i ghet a horrible tune that plays, was never there before, how the hell do i get rid of it?

skrib said...

sorry, typo, was supposed to say awesome theme......

skrib said...

update: its only when i hit the curved arrow key next to the roller ball, its a bizarre little tune too, cant find it in sounds so im guessing it must be part of the install somewhere

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